Monday, March 30, 2009

No pueden quemar nuestros sueños!

I'm sitting in the normal coffee drinking spot. The Beatles are playing on the stereo. For this I am thankful. My friend Bryan is doing homework nearby on incredibly bright fuchsia paper. It is a rainy and cold day. I woke rather early today, as I went to bed before 10 pm last night. This week wore me out. Today finds the author hiding indoors, defiantly in a short-sleeve shirt but pragmatic woolen socks and hat. The socks are pure Icelandic. The hat is Canadian, and homemade. Both are grey, and just itchy enough that I never forget that I am wearing them but not so itchy that's they are at all uncomfortable. A perfect balance such as this is a rarity. I would like to summarize my life metaphorically as I do my socks and hat, but I don't think I have quite reached that level yet. But I'm satisfied.
Recently, however, a disaster occured. On Thursday night the Stone Soup Community Center here in Worcester suffered a serious fire. I was en route to work, driving down May St as two or three fire engines roared past. Every time I see emergency service vehicles with lights & sirens on I hope they reach their destination in time. In this case it was perhaps too late for them to keep our beloved building from sustaining massive damage throughout all three floors. Even more upsetting is that Coco, resident Stone Soup kitty, perished in the blaze. RIP, Coco.
The next day, everyone who loves and cares for Stone Soup came together in a beautiful way to assist in the preliminary clean up. I for one picked up shards of glass with a broom and helped relocate the contents of the library(thankfully not touched by flame) out of the building. Many people cleaned the soot off of the books and boxed and sorted them. The radical, local, sustainable, and social justice communities won't be stopped by a simple fire, no matter how structurally damaging. The rebuilding begins!

If you can donate time or money or want to learn more, please check out the link above. XO.

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