Saturday, February 21, 2009

Anglo-American Angst

There are times when I become painfully aware of my fragility as a young man, twisting in the wind of this silly world. I am doubtdoubtdoubting my abilities. I get those worry blues. But when my rational brain examines it, my life is so good. Here are some reasons why:
  • HEALTH. I have a clean bill of health, never any health problems, no surgeries, no broken bones, no allergies to food or medicines, and no need for medicines at all for the most part. I get noticeably sick less than once per year.
  • FAMILY. I have a family that loves me, emotionally supports me, and tries to understand me to the best of their abilities.
  • FRIENDS. I truly have a large and sundry collection of honestly wonderful people who love me all over the country and even abroad, again, who try to understand me to the best of their abilities.
  • SECURITY. I reside in what is arguably a police state where the rule of law is so firmly entrenched that although crime and corruption are very alive and well, I have little reason to believe my person and property overall are in much danger of overt violation. I can leave the house and travel freely without worry.
  • MONEY. I can make more money in a week bullshitting and reading the newspaper than much of the world could earn performing back-breaking labor for months or even years. Never mind the macroeconomics behind it, bear with me. I have so wealth that I can more than afford food, rent, utilities, and total luxuries such as frivolous travel, music, hobbies, an automobile, etc.
  • SOCIAL STATUS. The reality is that there are not very many levels that separate me from the top echelons of the international capitalist system. Income/asset disparity aside, I am white, male, from a Western country, have my wits about me, and have no obvious mental or physical handicaps or impediments to prevent me from dominating others except for those pesky morals and lack of funding and family/social connections.

What then, is the issue? I suppose I do feel guilty about not being overjoyed. Privilege? I didn't set out to talk about privilege...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Self doubt? Privilege guilt? You're in my corner, friend. Glad to know you. Look... a smile -