Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Year 23: NO FEAR

So here it is, 2008 is almost over. I have recently had the nicest birthday I have known, including lovely times with lovely friends and the best birthday cake of my life. By far. We're talking a ten-inch tall coconut-lemon-gingerbread volcano cake. I love my friends and I love this life. Lately the world has been a giant snowy and icy mess. I have had much time to think and to be alone, both at work and while snowed in. I have been formulating, discarding, reformulating, and obsessing over plans for 2009. It's time for me to drop out of some of my comfort zones. I think the term "comfort zone" succinctly defines much of my life to date; I've been going an easy route where I know what to expect and I can commit the smallest personal investment possible. It's an appropriate time to rethink this...
I'm heading to Florida soon, and to British Columbia soon after. The band is working on an album, and I'm very excited and proud of what we've done so far. I need to stop wasting time.
I will stop wasting time.
2009 is going to be epic, even if it kills me.

1 comment:

walking barefoot said...

i'm excited about you leaving your comfort zone, and would like to hear more! (see you soon!)