Friday, August 8, 2008

Summer of Worcester 8/7/08

Today was a really great day. I got the chance to sleep the eff in, which felt great. Yes! We have been hosting a(really great!) guest from Wisconsin(Oshkosh, to be precise) for a few days, so we wanted to really live it up, Worcester-style. We took a quick drive over to Bancroft Tower, which is this replica of a small castle, complete with perimeter parapets and watch tower that was built in 1900. Anachronistic; awesome. Emily, Matt, Mary, and I had a long and satisfying conversation about collective living, sustainability, and the break-down of law and order and the ensuing social upheaval and anarchy, as well as our escape plans to hole up in the tower as our fortress against the hungry, teeming masses. Also, how similar to a zombie movie that seems. As we talked about a potentially frightening future, a huge crack of thunder jolted us from our stone seats and the rain began to come down in sheets. We would've waited out the storm, but one of us really had to urinate, so we hastily retreated to the van. Of course, my window was still open.
After hitting up the Bean Counter for some drying off over warm caffeinated goodness and more great talks, we went to the local junk shop, HBML, to part of a remaking of an episode of The Cosby Show, starring any and all store patrons. We parted ways with Matt, went home, and made dinner, a wondrous stir-fry featuring tofu, sprouts, bamboo, peppers, green onions, mushrooms, celery, carrots, snow peas, okra, and flat noodles. Super delicious. We then played a game of soccer(of sorts) with my roommates, an upstairs neighbor kid(who almost upstaged us all) and our landlord.
After dinner and soccer, we went over to local collective house Distant Castle for a basement show. Sloppy Worcester punk, sweaty-dance-groovin', and a gypsy-polka-punk band from Mexico. Possibly the most fun show I've been to this summer. 'Twas an unrelenting dance and mosh-fest. Covered in sweat and beer and surrounded by lovely local folks made for quite the splendid end to a pretty great day in the Summer of Worcester. I'm pretty happy, and about to zonk out.

See also:

Current reading:
"The Rise and Fall of the British Empire" by Lawrence James.

Current listening: "Warehouse: Songs and Stories" by Hüsker Dü.
Current eating: Nutritional yeast & maragarine on a sesame bagel.
Current drinking: H2O(tap).

1 comment:

Gabe said...

Hey DC, you mind if I link to your blog from mine? I like to have as many Worcestercentric blogs in there as I can.