A frequent smile, a vigorous yet thoughtful sense of humor.
A beacon of positive energy in an aggressively bleak world.
Readiness, willingness, and ability to adventure wildly.
Readiness, willingness, and ability to fluctuate to and from domesticity and nomadism, as wild adventures deem prudent.
True Compassion for creatures and idea(l)s large and small.
A grasp on, and a downright enthusiasm for, one’s Blessings: living situation, food security, family members, friendships, sunshine, fresh air, snow, bodies of water, uncertainties, dancing, animals, touch, taste, smell, ideas, music, the human body, sex, love, etc.
The initiating party (D.S. Clark) is offering a “relationship-at-will” arrangement. That is, either party can terminate the relationship at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice.