The next day after sleeping-the-heck-in, Jackie and I went walking to try and find a bus, as Ruth was at work and we had no bicycles. For anyone who is thinking about or visiting the Cape or the Islands, BRING BICYCLES. We tramped through some interesting dilapidated house parts(roofs, walls, porches, etc) in a field, down some rural side roads all the way to Nantucket Memorial Airport, aka, ACK. We took the first bus that we came across, which brought us back into town. Unencumbered by the heavy backpacks that we left at Ruth's, we were able to actually enjoy walking about. I wrote some silly postcards, one to my own apartment, one to Ruth, one to my band, and one to my mum & dad. We hung out at the library, which was excellent. We saw some bunnies at a marsh outside of town, which was excellent as well. We met up with Ruth and headed over to a beach called The Steps for a picnic at sunset with a bunch of folks and a cool dog. Score.
The next day, Ruth and her friend Christina spent the whole day with us. We went to the farm where they both work and picked up some edible supplies for an adventure.

After coffee drink at The Bean and some more zen-like time at the library, we said goodbye to Christina and headed over to the ferry station with Ruth to catch our boat. The weather was cool on our ride back, which felt quite nice. Overall, the Nantucket adventure was a success. If I ever go back, however, I AM BRINGING A BICYCLE.
See also:
Current listening: "Carousel" by Victory at Sea.
Current eating: Seitan stroganoff.
Current drinking: Almond milk(plain).